Missouri's neighbor has years of involvement in recreational cannabis.


What Missouri law enforcement officers are grappling with right now — newly legalized recreational marijuana for adults — Illinois went through three years ago. 

Over three years since the Illinois governor signed  into law for those over 21. Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell said he was initially skeptical of legalization. Sangamon County is home to Springfield, the state capital.
“You know for decades we took people to jail for this,” Campbell said. “The easy part was turning the mindset around, the hard part is recognizing the nuances of the law.”
Previously in Illinois, the smell of marijuana was enough for probable cause to stop someone. Under the new law, burnt marijuana is not enough to justify probable cause.

“We know people are smoking in their cars. We can smell it at intersections sitting at stop lights, so we know people are violating the law but it is very difficult to get into the cars to see if they are transporting illegally,” Campbell said. 
When it comes to law enforcement, one tool that has been beneficial in detecting drugs has been police dogs. But now, the dogs need new training.
Regarding the highway, “my concern has always been public safety, and just like DUI and alcohol we need to know if people are high driving,” Campbell said


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